My NEW summer craze…Cycling?!

Sooo, this morning l went for a bike ride…

This all started when l recently returned from my amazing season to find that my Dad had brought a new road bike! So as l result l found that one evening (after doing a parachute jump) that l bumped into him on his way home and so we went out on the bikes (me on a borrowed one!) We didn’t go far as it was a late summers evening but having never really cycled since l passed my driving test, found that l thoroughly enjoyed it and was eager to go again!

As a result, a few days later l found myself getting my old mountain bike out of the garage for the first time in 4 years and dismantling to fix it and clean it… god it was muddy and after a brief ride, l realised that the breaks were utterly USELESS!!! 😛

So eventually after days of tweaking with the brakes and a good clean up she was ready to go… HORRAY!

and TODAY was the first chance l had to go out for a proper-ish cycle! Having ran into a few bikes last night in the woods whilst walking the dog l was keen to give the woods a go! So as this morning was nice thats where l went… the woods! It was a super cycle… not to mention hard work (…l was panting by the time l got 5 minutes down the road :P) By the time l entered the woods and had diced with death with the traffic and nettles on the narrow paths, l found it really peaceful! Once in the woods l realised that doing this route for my first ride in 4 years may not have been the best of ideas as trying to remember how to navigate bridges, tree trunks and thick mud along with not flying over the handlebars was rather interesting!


Anyhoo, l am proud to say that l made it back safely in just under 45 minutes, covered in mud and rather hot! Definitely one to do again but may be needing a better bike with suspension! Anyone have any recommendations on theses 2-wheeled friends??

Now its time to head back to the woods and to walk the dog… LET’S GO!! 🙂

The London tax and coal post from long ago

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